Selling out, cardboard cut-outs

Well it looks like I have a bit of time on my hands today so i thought I might make a post or two extra.
I was reading the SMH and couldn't help but have a giggle at this article. It reports how Bob Brown and the Greens have (deservedly) attacked Peter Garrett for the issues I raised in an earlier post. To quote a Greens source in the article:
Will Peter Garrett be to the Australian Conservation Foundation what Philip Ruddock is to Amnesty International?
Good question. Oh and the article points out one of the key issues that I raised in an earlier post: why is Garrett spending more time attacking the environment movement than on the Libs? I can answer that: Peter has sold out and is being used as a cardboard cut-out to be rolled out whenever the Greens are threatening Labor.
Is Peter Garrett so arrogant to believe that he and only he can reform the Labor party, gain power, become leader, create positive environment policies and save the planet? He must believe this himself if he is willing to burn bridges with those who work with him and have the same environmental and social goals.
I look forward to the time when Garrett is caught in the ultimate bind, first when Labor abandons its three mine policy, and then when Labor will accept nuclear power in this country as i suspect they will in the future.