Friday, February 23, 2007

Letter to Editors: Bells Line Super Highway


The Greens vehemently oppose the super highway proposal by the Liberal Party. It is a ludicrous suggestion that will not only devastate the Kurrajong community but also devastate large tracks of vegetation through the Blue Mountains. This is unacceptable.

I find it rich that the major parties are so eager to jump on the environmental bandwagon when it comes to water and even climate change, only once they see a vote in it. Yet time and time again we see the major parties undermine their credibility with ridiculous proposals like the Bells Line super highway.

Throughout this debate, as with other transport debates in the Hawkesbury, the mindset continues to be focused on roads while public transport is once again neglected. I ask the major party candidates, what are you going to do about public transport for Western Sydney so we don’t have to rely on ridiculous proposals like a super highway?

The major parties have a long way to go to prove they have the community and the environment’s best interests at heart.

Joel MacRae
Greens candidate for Londonderry


At 12:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, Super Highway is a dumb proposal.

Lucky Labor doesn't support it then!!

The demand for that one will not be alleviated by public transport - those that want it drive, and many of them use trucking.

Chant it, freight to rail, freight to rail ...

At 3:58 pm, Blogger Joel MacRae said...

Totally agree. Freight rail is definitely the way to go. less vehicles and safer! Win Win.


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