Global warming
Hi everyone. Been occupied with other parts of my life (teaching) and decided to take a break until now.
So where do i begin? With election polling of course and where the Greens are positioned for forthcoming state and federal elections for 2007.

The above post is from oz politics who always goves nice summaries of polling data. For more information on polling data go to any of the links to my right. What can we decipher from all of these squiggly lines? We can confidently say that as of late last year Labor has been in a commanding position in the polls, buoyed by excellent campaigning by the union movement against Howard's unfair workplace relations legislation. However, the latest polling data for November suggests Labor is slipping away its lead. I believe this trend will continue unless labor can pull a rabbit out of a hat. There is only one reason for this trend: Beazley. Latham called him one of the worst leaders in history. Come next election Beazley will be considered THE worst leader in Austrlian political history.

On a brighter side of things, Labor's poor performance in the latest polling data seems to have not gone to the Liberals but gone to the Greens. Newspoll tends to be the pessimistic polling data and it is even showing a sudden upsurge in Green support. Indeed, I heard that in one polling question the Greens are the most trusted to manage climate change (i heard the stats were like 24% Green, 23% Lib and 19% Lab. if anyone can confirm this, that would be great). Why such a sudden upsurge? Well obviously because climate change has been THE issue of the past month.

Poor Labor. Their factionalism has produced Anthony Albanese as Shadow Environment Minister. To be honest, he's not a bad bloke: he speaks well and he has reasonably good left politics. However, he is politically unpallatable to the electorate and looks like nerd who wants to be a bully boy. Good luck Labor!
Joel's jibing! Joel's jibing!
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