Recent polling data
Ozpolitics once again provides an excellent summary of the latest polling data. Of most interest to me is the trend for the Greens. This can be seen in the diagram below.

What you will find is that since Rudd's coronation in December as the ALP leader the Greens have taken a hit. Morgan polling has been quite indicative with a high of 12% back before Rudd came to power and is now showing the Greens hitting 7%.
Prior to Rudd's ascent the Greens were hitting its highest polling data for each of the polling agencies (Morgan, AC Nielson and Newspoll). This is on the back of a month of climate change debate in the public sphere and Beazley's (and Albanese's) seemingly lack of conviction on the issue. On the other hand, Rudd has able to garner the media's attention and has taken the opportunity to steal the Greens agenda.
With labor on the ascendancy it was always going to be difficult for the Greens. However, one can sense that Rudd's honeymoon is coming to an end. Rudd's gloss is disappearing. The Greens will withstand this shock as Rudd lurches to the centre.
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