Not so much tidbits but skimming the issues
I'll start with the polls (a nice summary can be found here at OzPolitics). There has been, on average) a steady but only gradual rise in the Green vote since about mid-August - we are hovering between 8 and 10%. Labor is ahead two party preferred - god knows how with Beazley still performing woefully, wait I do know, its because of Green and minor party preferences. Labor will be smashed in the next poll when it will include the Terrorist raids issue. Labor was doing okay with workplace relations reform but have been outmaneouvred by the wiley old fox on terrorism.
The Hawkesbury Gazette hosted an IR forum last Sunday with Kerry Bartlett (Macquarie MP), ALP Senator Steve Hutchins, Jon Robertson from Unions NSW and some useless representative from the employers association. A rough crowd for Kerry and he performed as best as he could have, always the consummate politician - I have to give credit where credit is due although he is wrong. Steve Hutchins was a dag and drab. The two stand outs for opposite reasons was Jon and the employer rep. Jon is a smooth operator and was quite charismatic - a future Macquarie MP perhaps?. The employer rep was offensive and condescending and received perhaps more interjections from non-Labor people than Kerry did. These forums should be organised more often.
Now to terrorism. The terrorism raids are scary and a sign of things to come. Some say this has vindicated Howards actions but I don't believe so. I am still suspicious - although I am not as stupid as Lyn Allison - of the timing and the amount of political capital the Howard Government and the State Premiers are trying to make out of this. Howard may have one the battle, however he and the authorities will go too far and the will be punished in the long run.
Santo Santoro, a Liberal redneck from Queensland, doesn't like the way the ABC reports politics. He also has a poll on his website asking whether you think the ABC is biased towards the left. Oh wait, I just checked the site again and the poll has disappeared - what a surprise.