The ridiculous comments from Howard on the weekend with regard to Iraq and Obama's stance should and have been
lambasted by Australian and US politicians (for a good summary with links see
here). The issue is not whether Howard can say it or not, of course he is allowed pass comment on international affairs. What is at issue is the fundamental flaw in Howard's stance on Iraq and his close ties with the Bush Administration. He won't win this fight, world opinion is against Bush and his Iraq policy. History will prove President Obama correct.
A couple more brief observations on these issues: a) Howard once again is willing to use the tactic of fear to bully his way through the issue; b) giving Obama the attention of Howard's criticisms has probably further cemented his position on the US Democratic presidential ticket, which is a very good thing.
I find this assertion that the terrorists are praying for a Democrat victory in the US outrageous. One could equally argue that the terrorists are praying for a Republican victory because their interventionist policies have been a boon for recruitment to their cause not only in the middle east but across the world. The terrorists win every day we remain in Iraq. They win every time our Government takes away our hard fought for civil rights. They win every day we don't provide justice to those held in Guantanamo Bay. They win every day our Governments ramp up the fear with conveniently-timed security alerts and unwarranted advertising scare campaigns. From what I can see, the terrorists don't need to destroy our Western liberal democracies - we're doing a good enough job for them.
I can't believe it, these comments got Howard on The Colbert Report!
In his regular section "Tip of the Hat/Wag of the Finger" Colbert shows a clip of Howard and praises him for 'knowing that, in this war, you're either with us or you're a Democrat'. And then, in hillarious American style, condemns him for criticising and American citizen!
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