Key NSW Election Theme 1: Climate Change
The NSW State election is now 2 months away. It is time that I start focusing some attention both as an interested observer of politics but also as a Greens candidate for Londonderry. So I will start today looking at the key issue that has to dominate this election (and the federal election later this year) - climate change. The following will be the run down on this issue.
Climate change is refering to the variations in the globes climate over time. Overwhelming evidence shows that the globes climate is changing at a rapid pace and has been doing so since the industrial revolution. Further evidence has shown that human action is the result of this change largely from the production and emission of Carbon Dioxide. How? CO2 helps to create a greenhouse effect in the atmosphere that traps heat in. See the image below.

What impact will this have on the earth and humans?
Essentially climate change will heat up the atmosphere. Indeed, we are already locked in for an increase in average temperatures by approximately 2 degrees celsius. Without action I have heard predicitions of avergae temperatures rising by more that 6 degrees. This would have a devastating impact on the environment with risks to our food and water supplies, rising oceans and chaotic weather patterns. The Stern Review meakly predicted that the cost economically could be as high as 20% of global economy.
What do we have to do?
We have to cut down dramatically the levels of CO2 emissions before the climate changes in such a way that it will cause devastation for the entire world.
Do the Greens have a comprehensive strategy?
Yes the Greens do have a comprehensive strategy to fight climate change from an Australian and NSW point of view. To see our full policy visit our website. Or in summary:
First thing that NSW and Australia must do is set ambitious but achievable targets:
Climate change is refering to the variations in the globes climate over time. Overwhelming evidence shows that the globes climate is changing at a rapid pace and has been doing so since the industrial revolution. Further evidence has shown that human action is the result of this change largely from the production and emission of Carbon Dioxide. How? CO2 helps to create a greenhouse effect in the atmosphere that traps heat in. See the image below.

What impact will this have on the earth and humans?
Essentially climate change will heat up the atmosphere. Indeed, we are already locked in for an increase in average temperatures by approximately 2 degrees celsius. Without action I have heard predicitions of avergae temperatures rising by more that 6 degrees. This would have a devastating impact on the environment with risks to our food and water supplies, rising oceans and chaotic weather patterns. The Stern Review meakly predicted that the cost economically could be as high as 20% of global economy.
What do we have to do?
We have to cut down dramatically the levels of CO2 emissions before the climate changes in such a way that it will cause devastation for the entire world.
Do the Greens have a comprehensive strategy?
Yes the Greens do have a comprehensive strategy to fight climate change from an Australian and NSW point of view. To see our full policy visit our website. Or in summary:
First thing that NSW and Australia must do is set ambitious but achievable targets:
- Aim for 80% reduction of total emissions by 2050
- Set renewable energy targets: 20% by 2012 and 50% by 2015.
- Set mandatory energy efficiency standards to curb waste: reduce energy consumption by 10% by 2011 and 15% by 2015.
To achieve these aims, governments at every level must lead the way by example and through its enormous legislative and budgetary power. The government must secure a low carbon supply of energy by regulating emissions and imposing efficiency standards on industry, commerce and residential building and appliances.
The government must also phase out the coal industry by not building any new coal energy stations and guide the market towards a jobs rich renewable energy industry that includes wind, solar, geothermal and biomass enrgy production.
The state government, which regulates the energy industry in NSW, should also encourage the decentralisation of energy supply. in ther words, encourge residents to install solar panels on rooftops as a major source of energy for the family home.
The government, both state and federal, must put a price on pollution. There are two schemes available, which I have talked about in an earlier post, a carbon tax and a second best solution of a well designed carbon trading scheme.
Are there any alternative proposals?
I have het to see a comprehensive strategy from any Liberal opposition or from the federal government. If the Liberal Party want to win the NSW election that have to convince the community that they have a comprehensive strategy in mind for this most important issue. At the moment I have not seen anything and would love readers to provide some information if possible.
As for the ALP, the State Government in NSW has yet to provide a compreensive strategy that is consistent with their federal counterparts. The NSW government has been one of the biggest supporters of coal (and therefore pollution) in the country. On the other hand, the federal opposition (ALP) have provided some renewable and emissions targets that are substandard to the Greens. The ALP will have to show the Greens that they have climate change on their agenda if they want our preferences.
The government must also phase out the coal industry by not building any new coal energy stations and guide the market towards a jobs rich renewable energy industry that includes wind, solar, geothermal and biomass enrgy production.
The state government, which regulates the energy industry in NSW, should also encourage the decentralisation of energy supply. in ther words, encourge residents to install solar panels on rooftops as a major source of energy for the family home.
The government, both state and federal, must put a price on pollution. There are two schemes available, which I have talked about in an earlier post, a carbon tax and a second best solution of a well designed carbon trading scheme.
Are there any alternative proposals?
I have het to see a comprehensive strategy from any Liberal opposition or from the federal government. If the Liberal Party want to win the NSW election that have to convince the community that they have a comprehensive strategy in mind for this most important issue. At the moment I have not seen anything and would love readers to provide some information if possible.
As for the ALP, the State Government in NSW has yet to provide a compreensive strategy that is consistent with their federal counterparts. The NSW government has been one of the biggest supporters of coal (and therefore pollution) in the country. On the other hand, the federal opposition (ALP) have provided some renewable and emissions targets that are substandard to the Greens. The ALP will have to show the Greens that they have climate change on their agenda if they want our preferences.
Surely more police will help climate change?
There is a page of NSW Liberal Party policies here - might be worth keeping a track of:
Interestingly, none of them relate specifically to climate change, or energy in general.
Labor Policy is listed here and shows a similar paucity of regard -
(follow the link to policy)
I've emailed both of them, and will get back to you upon confirmation of the existence or otherwise of a climate change policy - I am awfully surprised they are not publishing anything they might have up their sleeve about it!
The two prominent liberal candidates running in my area have said nothing on climate change but have said some things about water (the river in particular). Thats it.
I can sincerely say that their climate change stances will have a bearing on our preferences in Londonderry and Hawkesbury.
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