Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Todays interesting articles:

Online opinion, possibly my favourite political website, does a monthly feature. This months feature is on public transport. Visit this site regularly to see updated lists of opinion articles.

Chek Ling has a very interesting article on racism and how the Corby case (and the media and public reaction to it) reflects 'lingering "white Australia" sentiment'.

Eve vincent highlights the case against uranium mining and nuclear energy.

Ross Gittins, who is always very good value even if I don't always agree with him (like this article), argues the unions could find some unexpected opportunities from Howard's IR reforms.

And my what! article for today is this news story printed in the SMH about how the Democrats might do a deal with the Howard Government over the IR Reforms. The Democrats compromise: keep the AIRC, and the rest will be passed. Might devote a seperate post to the Dems soon.


At 6:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In particular, did you see his post from 3 July:

Bartlett's time is running out and he knows it. I'd suggest that his moaning is becoming a little academic at this stage.


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